**ATTENTION**: If you are a current New River Computing client covered under our RMM Service Plan, you need not worry about this vulnerability. We have automatically deployed the fix to your computers.
Recently, there has been an Internet Explorer (zero-day) remote code execution vulnerability found being exploited in the wild which affects IE 8, as well as IE 6 & 7. Current exploitation is limited but it’s almost certain that a reliable exploit will soon find its way into at least one (if not all) of the many popular exploit kits being used by online criminals.
IE 9 & 10 are not vulnerable, so Windows 7 and 8 users are safe. However, users of the old (and almost obsolete) operating system Windows XP, need to take action since IE 9 & 10 are not supported. If you’re still using XP, it would be wise to install an additional browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. But, if that isn’t an option, Microsoft has a Fix it tool available.
For more details, head on over to Microsoft’s Security Research & Defense blog: Microsoft “Fix it” available for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 . Hopefully this vulnerability will be patched tomorrow (January 8th) during Microsoft’s regularly scheduled update cycle.